Lichfield Market Square
Oct 27 th
2.30 pm
Quaker Meeting present a historical re
enactment of George Fox’s 1651 visit as
commemorated in the plaque above. To add to
the spirit of the occasion why not come in 17 th
C dress?
Local people join with Lichfield Quaker
Meeting to mark the 400th anniversary of
George Fox's birth.
A re-enactment on Lichfield Market Square on
October 27 at 2:30pm of Fox's notorious visit
to Lichfield with his message of, 'Woe to the
bloody city'. Written and produced by Berry
Dicker, directed by well-known Lichfield
Director David Titley, everyone is welcome to
this free event.
Fox is seen across the English-speaking world
as a man who spoke truth to power and as one
who laid the foundations for the world-wide
Quaker movement, with its values of peace,
truth, justice and equality.