Present: Pat Maguire (Co-chair), Rick Hill (Co-chair), Liz Ridler (Treasurer), David Mason (Secretary), Brian Maguire, , Gustav Stenström, David Clarke, Michele Gerard, Ian Hayter, Richard Henshaw, Roger Baker, Diana Pearson, David West-Mullen, Roger and Iris Hartley, Steve Speight, Ruth and Nick Tinsdeall, Yvonne Twigger, Lilas Rawling.
Apologies: Warren Bardsley, Robert Mountford, Ted Green, Brenda Liptrot
The meeting was chaired by Rick Hill, who went through etiquette for a meeting on Zoom. It was opened with prayer by Pat Maguire.
All the documents and reports of the organisations of interest of CTiL were on the website.
The attendees to the meeting were put into 4 discussion groups to share their experiences and to help each other try to see where God might be in this situation.
The minutes of the 2019 AGM were agreed as a correct record.
The acceptance of the Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2019 was proposed by Lilas Rawling, seconded by Ian Hayter and unanimously agreed by the members.
Liz Ridler was thanked for her report.
Chairs’ report. It was noted that several of the reports point to events 2019/2020 rather than specific items from 2019.
Rick Hill has approached Curborough Community Centre, which would like to set up a type of Good Neighbour scheme so that individual Christians can be involved, to share and show God’s love. Ian Hayter commented that this would be an opportunity for individuals to work alongside others in the community. LENS had had 140 volunteers, not all Christians, but it gave an example of what motivates Christians to give service to the community.
LDC has seen groups beginning in Fradley, Burntwood and Whittington, but there did not seem to be a group with credibility in Lichfield. CCC was looking to reopen in September. There was general discussion about the possibility of setting up this group.
The LNL report was accepted.
ii) Schools Work Trust. CTiL had given a grant to the Schools Work Trust. £50k of funding has now been secured. It was thought that there will be a greater need for mentors. Tina Cadwallader has had several people come forward to be trained up. Ian Hayter thanked Rick Hill for his tenacity in following up the funding application.
Iii) Food Bank. David Clarke (Chair) noted that in the first weeks of lockdown 139 people / week were using the Foodbank, but it had settled down to 108/week currently. The Foodbank was very grateful to the churches for their hospitality. Duncan Hindley has baked bread for the Foodbank; everything seemed to be going well. Rick Hill thanked David Clarke for all the work put in by him specifically to the Foodbank.
LENS. LDC would like to approach CTiL to run one again this coming winter. It was commented that it has been really difficult to support some of the individuals. LDC had worked with all the rough sleepers to get them off the street.
Christmas Day Together. David Mason reported that it had gone smoothly, once the organisers had been identified. It had had a big impact on them and that they would probably be willing to organise it for 2020. Appreciation was expressed for those who had stepped up to the mark to help CDT to happen sop successfully.
Palestinian Support Group. Michele Gerard was so sorry that the recent May weekend had had to be cancelled. She noted that the restrictions in travel due to Covid-19 had had a dire effect on tourism to the region.
The Christian Aid, Interfaith Forum and City of Sanctuary reports are on the website.
Any Other Business. Michele Gerard raised Black Lives Matter. There had been an event in Lichfield which the Quakers had joined. Ian Hayter commented how good it had been and that Doug Pullen, leader of LDC, was pleased that it had taken place, well organised within the current Covid-19 parameters. There had been a good church representation and David West-Mullen had been encouraged by the number of young people present. It was noted that the driving force behind this event had been students form King Edward’s School.
Ruth TInsdeall reflected what a white community Lichfield was and wondered whether CTiL should seek a link with a black church through Black Country Churches Engaged.
Dates. The next Forum meeting would be on Tuesday 20th October, possibly in College Hall. The Enabling Group would meet on 1st September.
The meeting was closed with the Grace led by Pat Maguire.