Treasurer’s Report for the year ended 31 December 2020 2020 started with much activity – the Emergency Night Shelter was launched in January, with the expectation that it would run for three months. However, Covid-19 restrictions meant that we had to take the difficult decision to close the Shelter early and our other planned activities were either cancelled or moved on-line. Meticulous planning went into making Christmas Day Together safe and successful. Huge thanks go to the staff and volunteers of the Night Shelter; those who organised and distributed the Christmas Day Together meal; planed and ran Lent groupss, and those who support the governance and administration of the organisation. Thank you.
The Emergency Night Shelter, of course, was the most significant factor in the accounts for the year – income of £23,250 was received for the Shelter, of which £22,500 was a grant from Lichfield District Council. We spent £15,589 on the Shelter and returned £6,000 unspent grant to the District Council. It is unlikely that Churches Together will run a Night Shelter in the future.
General income was £1,390 and income for Christmas Day Together £670, with Total Income of £25,310. General expenditure was £951 and expenditure for Christmas Day Together £611. Total expenditure was £23,151.
We ended the year with a balance of £6,396. Of that amount, £2,695 may be spent on any of our charitable purposes, £960 is taken forward for future Christmas Day Together meals and £2,741 remains from individual and church donations for the Night Shelter.
I am happy to answer any questions you may have on the Annual Report and Accounts now, or you may ask through the contact form on the website.
Finally, I would like to thank Jemimah Reid, our Independent Examiner – for her diligence and dedication in ensuring that we comply with all charity reporting requirements, and for her support. I submit the Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2020 to the AGM for approval.
Elizabeth Ridler
7 June 2021