Notes from the Forum held by Zoom on 9th February 2021
Name |
Representing |
Name |
Representing |
Pat Maguire (Co- Chair) |
Cathedral |
Richard Henshaw |
Holy Cross |
Rick Hill Co-Chair |
Wade Street |
Roger Hartley |
Wade Street |
Brian Maguire |
Cathedral |
Lilas Rawling (minutes) |
St. Chad’s |
Brenda Liptrot |
St. Michael’s |
Liz Ridler (Treasurer) |
Wade Street |
Brian Boston |
Wade Street |
Helen Emery |
Wade Street |
Anna Kluk |
Curborough Comm Assoc |
Michele Gerard |
Soc. of Friends |
James Flintham |
Curborough Comm Assoc |
David West-Mullen |
Wade Street |
David Clarke |
St. Giles, Food Bank |
Malcolm Flanagan |
Wade Street |
Diana Pearson |
Methodists |
Howard Jacobs |
Wade Street |
Rod Clark |
St. Chad’s |
Gregory Platten |
Cathedral |
Anne Hill |
Wade Street |
Apologies: Jo Thornton, Ian Hayter, Simon Foster
The meeting was chaired by Rick Hill.
Pat Maguire opened the meeting with prayer.
The main topic was Burntwood Be A Friend
Speakers – Revd Matt Wallace, St. John’s Community Church Chase Terrace,
Revd Richard Westwood St. Anne’s Chasetown, Rose Westwood community minister
Matt, Richard and Rose gave a presentation about the scheme they set up in their area, recognising the levels of deprivation and the need for food, friendship and good neighbourliness. It is staffed by volunteers, grants have been sought, food is received from FareShare and other sources. Here is the link to view this presentation.!AhAstY6jwFRez3oM8nUCfupnkGnF?e=8AKXvo
After this presentation, Pat Maguire opened the main meeting of CTiL
She welcomed everyone and gave an introduction to Lichfield Cares.
James Flintham and Anna Kluk spoke about Lichfield Cares, a new community organisation run out of the Curborough Community Association building in Reynolds Close. JF said that while acknowledging Lichfield has a large, effective Foodbank organisation with a signposting system for clients, Lichfield Cares is looking to get referrals to their scheme from the Foodbank and other agencies but also self-referrals. The scheme has received funding from LDC, SCC and CTiL (which was thanked for its contribution). LC has raised almost £10k for IT equipment for primary school children and also had donated IT equipment to supply to schools. The scheme is more than just befriending – part of the purpose is to build confidence and create independence, encouraging people to emerge after lockdown and relate to others. AK explained that on Thursday mornings there was a Zoom session to encourage participation, there were exercise at home sessions, IT provision at the Centre – a Covid-secure environment as there was no computer access at the Library at present. There is also the garden at the Community Centre as a resource. LC is not trying to duplicate what is happening already, but trying to encourage people to take control of their own lives. LC sits under the umbrella of Curborough Community Association.
The minutes of the Forum of October 20th 2020 were agreed as a correct record
There were no matters arising not covered on the agenda
Treasurer’s report. Liz Ridler gave the report of the finances as at 31st January 2021
Balance brought forward £6947.65 Current a/c £2314.44
Income £0.03 Deposit a/c £3587.96
Expenditure £1045.28
Total £5902.40 £5902.40
At the year end of 2020, there was a general fund surplus of £439 with a balance of £2,695and £960 in the restricted fund for Christmas Day Together. Liz will give a full report at the AGM in June when the accounts have been inspected.
Schools Work Trust. Rick Hill had published a newsletter which had been circulated. The youth mentoring scheme was a great encouragement for the students. Thanks to some seed-funding by CTiL, a substantial grant had been obtained and the Trust was safe for the next 3 years. Christmas Schools Week had been done online with videos and using YouTube. Mentoring is continuing under these difficult circumstances – the young people can ring their mentor. The scheme covers about 120 students in secondary schools with just over 30 mentors.
Review of Past Events.
i) CTiL had put together a Carol Service which Rod Clark had coordinated. A DVD has been produced for those who couldn’t share in it online. It had been much appreciated.
ii) Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service on Friday 22nd January. It was due to be held at St. Chad’s; Rick Hill hosted it online, Rod Clark led it with readers from different churches.
iii) David Clarke reported on Christmas for the Foodbank, saying that 600 Christmas goodie bags had been distributed across the City. It had gone smoothly, all the volunteers took part. Life Church was thanked for its hospitality allowing this to be coordinated from there.
iv) Christmas Day Together. Wade Street was thanked for its hospitality as were the volunteers who coordinated it and the drivers taking out the 50 meals to recipients across the City.
Future Events.
Lent Groups. Pat Maguire was pleased about the number of people who had signed up. There are about 5 groups with 6 or so in each group. Several people had asked for the book study at home.
ii)Good Friday. Walk of Witness. Arrangements for this were all in hand, assuming the lockdown would allow it to happen. Ian Hayter has agreed to coordinate the worship in the town and the Methodist church had offered their usual hospitality, but if there was too big a group to fit in the building, the walk might finish where the Police station used to be in Wade Street. Pat Maguire has done the risk assessment for using the Cathedral in the evening which has been accepted. All this is on the assumption that it will be permitted.
Any Other Business. Pat Maguire publicly thanked Brenda Liptrot for her service on the enabling group.
Michele Gerard spoke about a memorial being sponsored by Quakers in Hereford, designed by Peter Walker, artist in residence at Lichfield Cathedral, remembering civilians killed in the war.
The statue of St. Chad is being installed in the Cathedral Close on 26th June 2021
The meeting closed with all saying the Grace at 8.45.
The next Forum meeting will be the AGM on Wednesday June 16th