ANNUAL REPORT for the year ended 31 December 2021
Organisational Name: Churches Together in Lichfield and District, also known as CTiL.
Governing Document: CTiL is an unregistered charitable organisation governed by a Constitution adopted on 30 April 2014. The Enabling Group is considering the implications of charity registration.
Management Group: The churches shall appoint an Enabling Group whose functions shall be to enable the member churches to make decisions in common. The Enabling Group shall comprise the officers of the Forum, up to four lay representatives, and up to four clergy or ministers appointed by the member churches with regard to an appropriate representation of the various Christian traditions and denominations in membership. The Forum shall meet not less than three times annually and all members of member churches are welcome to attend the Forum. Officers shall be elected/re-elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Forum.
Officers serving during the period: Clergy Co- chair: Patricia Maguire Lay Co-chair: Richard Hill Honorary Secretary: David Mason Honorary Treasurer: Elizabeth Ridler Minute Secetary: Lilas Rawling
Members of Enabling Group: Richard Henshaw Brenda Liptrot (to 26/1/2021) Diana Pearson
Objects of the organisation: (a) to enable the churches, as pilgrims together, to explore the Christian faith together, to develop mutual relationships, to seek a common mind, and to make decisions together; (b) To encourage churches to worship, pray and reflect together on the nature and purpose of the church in the light of its mission - each church sharing with others the treasures of its tradition; (c) To enable the churches to live and share the Gospel, to evangelise together and to take further steps towards fuller unity; (d) To enable the churches to respond to the needs of society and to witness to the Gospel together.
Address: C/O Wade Street Church Wade Street Lichfield WS13 6HL
In particular Churches Together in Lichfield and District shall seek to - i) Serve as a means of communication between churches and other Christian groups within its area; ii) Provide a focus for relating to the local authority and other statutory or voluntary bodies; iii) Co-ordinate church involvement in town twinning schemes; iv) Co-ordinate mission and evangelism as appropriate across its area of operation; (v) Develop further links with other faith communities within its area.
Achievements during the year: i) Due to the continuing Coronavirus pandemic, some activities were cancelled or postponed. Enabling Group and Forum meetings continued on-line. ii) On Christmas Day, volunteers delivered 50 oven-ready Christmas meals and seasonal gift bags to those isolated or living alone, and chatted to the recipients. iii) Lent Groups were well attended and took place on-line. iv) CTiL worked in partnership with Curborough Community Centre to develop a project (Lichfield Cares) to support individuals and families who may be at risk of becoming homeless. The balance of funds remaining from the Emergency Night Shelter was transferred to this project during the year. v) the Enabling Group completed the Periodic Review from 2014 to 2021 required by the model of Churches Together in England. vi) World Day of Prayer took place on-line and a grant of £150 was made during the year towards the activity's administration costs. vii) Lichfield Christian Schools Work Trust celebrated 25 years of ministry among children and young people.
Financial Review: Total income during the year was £1,229, the major income being membership subscriptions. There was no income for restricted funds during the year. Total Expenditure for the year was £4,827 of which £2,741 related to the transfer of funds remaining for the Night Shelter and £1,378 for Christmas Day Together. Unrestricted expenditure for the year totalled £707. A further £419 was transferred from General Funds to cover the deficit arising from Christmas Day Together. At the end of the year, the total funds available were General Unrestricted Funds of £2,798.
Public Benefit: The Enabling Group has had due regard to the relevant public benefit guidance when exercising its powers and duties.
Signed on behalf of the Enabling Group on 31 March 2022
David Mason
Honorary Secretary