Present: Pat Maguire (co-Chair) PM, David Mason (Co-Chair and Hon Sec.) DM, Hugh Ashton,
Linda Atkins, Linda Clark, Michele Gerard, Ted Green, Roger Hartley, Richard Henshaw,
Brian Maguire, Diana Pearson, John and Delphine Preece, Lilas Rawling (Minute sec.), Liz Ridler (Treasurer), Wendy Walker, Abbie Walsh.
Cllr Dave Robertson – speaker
Apologies: Warren Bardsley, Lesley Bovington (PoW coordinator), Rod Clark, David Clarke (Foodbank chair), Brenda Liptrot, Robert Mountford (CLASP), David Primrose
All were welcomed; PM opened the meeting with prayer and introduced Cllr Dave Robertson.
He addressed the meeting about the school uniform bank – a recent initiative. He said that 350kgs of school uniform had been given and 63 families had benefitted, representing about 200 children. The Foodbank which was proximate, had been making referrals to the uniform bank. It was noted that there was a clear need and also it helped to minimise climate change. Currently there is 200kg of school uniform stored in the Council office building. It was thought that there might be another distribution in January and it could possibly continue at 3 monthly intervals. The issue is storage.
The point was made that it was important to get the publicity out early enough. He thanked everyone for their contribution to the conversation and was in turn thanked for his presentation.
The minutes of the last meeting on 9th February were agreed as a correct method, with the correction that Rick Hill had said that it was Dacorum Borough Council.
There were no matters arising
Treasurer’s report. LiRi reported that all the membership churches had paid their subscription totally £1152.
There had been expenditure of£100 on gilets for the Bower
£1000 for Christmas Day Together in 2021,
£350 for designing and printing banners for the Lichfield Christian Schools Work Trust (a letter had been received from Tina Cadwalladar thanking CTiL for this
£72 to Christian Aid for the Big Brekkie
There is £944 in the current account and £2756 in the deposit account.
There would be Carol Singing in the Market Square on Thursday 15th December at 6pm. David Mason has applied to LCC for a licence for this event. It cost £10.
LNLs had started back in June on the last Saturday of every month. David West-Mullen, the coordinator, writes a report of their activity every month.
Lichfield emergency Night Shelter LENS. David Whittaker (DW) from LDC had approached CTiL about running the night shelter again. The reply from CTiL was that volunteers could be supplied to help out, but CTiL could not run it. The Government is providing money to address the problem of rough sleeping in the winter. DW had replied that he appreciated CTiL’s position.
Big Brekkie. It was reported that the Big Brekkie had raise £650 which came up to £730 including Gift Aid. Linda Atkins reported that there had been lots of volunteers willing to assist, which was encouraging.
PM and DM had been to the CLASP meeting. They reported that Stafford Churches Together had talked about putting on a Passion Play. Hugh Ashton, secretary to the Lichfield Mysteries and had permission to use the script. It was thought that possibly something simpler could be staged.
Prayer diary. This had been suggested by Linda Atkin at a previous Forum. PM had put together a diary covering a full month with all the member churches and affiliated organisations mentioned with some other thoughts. LA thanked PM for it. The hope is that churches would use it in public worship. Ted Green thanked PM and LA for this initiative, and it being followed through.
Warm Welcome. Cllr Dave Robertson said that grant money had been agreed by LCC. About £25k was available and grants of £2,500 cold be made to organisations to run a warm welcome space. The funds could be used for staffing, heating and other expenses. Application could be made through Donegal House. Abbie Walsh said that St. Michael’s was running a warm space at the local fire station on a Thursday afternoon.
Future Events
Christmas Day together. It would be happening. PM had met with the coordinators Gaynor Baldwin and Caroline Johnson. Wade Street church was booked. A delivery service would also be offered. It was expected to have 60 to 70 people needing a Christmas dinner. Richard Henshaw had seen Sarah Fry, the community champion, at Waitrose. She had said that CDT was top of their list and she hoped to apply for a substantial grant.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The service would be at the Methodist church on Friday 20th January
Lent Groups. PM reported that material from John Birch would be used as in Lent 2022. The paperwork to sign up would come out early in January 2023.
Good Friday. The Walk of Witness would be happening. A p.a system will be needed for the worship stations through the City. It will finish with a service and refreshments at the Methodist church. . There will be a service/meditation in the Cathedral that evening.
Bower Day 29th May 2023. Volunteers would be sought for the street collection.
Abbie Walsh announced that there would be an Open The Book training at St. Michael’s on 15th November. It was a free half-day training in the morning.
Linda Atkin observed that it would be helpful if people could introduce themselves before they spoke.
Next Forum. The next Forum would be February 21st.