Good Friday 15th April
Churches Together in Lichfield Walk of Witness
The route is as follows:-
1. Meet outside Whittington Pharmacy, 13B Main Street, Whittington WS14 9JU to depart at 8.15 a.m. and walk along Darnford Lane into Lichfield, arriving at Boley Park Shopping Centre for the first service of praise and worship at 9.15 a.m.
2. Walk along Roman Way, Boley Lane, Sturgeons Hill, Rotten Row, and across the A5127 to arrive at Backcester Lane (top of the Three Spires Shopping Centre) for the second service of praise and worship at 10.00 a.m.
3. Walk along Bakers Lane to Bore Street and gather outside the Guildhall for the third service of praise and worship.
4. Walk along Bore Street to the junction with Bird Street for the fourth service or praise and worship.
5. Walk along Bird Street and Market Street to the junction with Breadmarket Street (outside Doctor Johnson's birthplace) for the fifth service of praise and worship.
6. The walk is then completed by walking along Conduit Street and Tamworth Street to the Methodist Church, where there will be the final service of praise and worship followed by refreshments.
All are welcome to walk either the whole route or just part of it.
Churches Together in Lichfield Ecumenical Service
7.30 p.m. in Lichfield Cathedral led by The Rev’d Canon Gregory Platten. All welcome.