The Season of Advent
This weekend heralds the beginning of the new Church’s liturgical year as we enter the season of Advent. It is a season of expectation and preparation, as we approach again the celebration of the coming of Christ in his incarnation, and at the same time to his final advent as judge at the end of time. It is a season of great challenge when we are invited through our liturgies to face important truths about our human condition and our need for God’s grace and loving kindness. We are encouraged to be watchful and expectant, praying that Christ may enter our lives anew.
Let’s encourage one another to make time during December to focus on the Advent message of hope, despite the distractions of the commercialism and secularism of this holy season. The fundamental prayer of Advent is ‘Maranatha’ – ‘Our Lord, come’ (I Corinthians 16.22).