The Constitution of Churches Together in Lichfield and District

CHURCHES TOGETHER IN Lichfield and District unites in pilgrimage those Churches in
Lichfield City and the surrounding villages which, acknowledging God's revelation in Christ,
confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures, and, in
obedience to God's will and in the power of the Holy Spirit commit themselves

 To seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the
Church, which is His body; and

 To fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in
the world

to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The aims of Churches Together in Lichfield and District shall be -
(a) to enable the churches, as pilgrims together, to explore the Christian faith together, to
develop mutual relationships, to seek a common mind, and to make decisions together;
(b) To encourage churches to worship, pray and reflect together on the nature and
purpose of the church in the light of its mission - each church sharing with others the
treasures of its tradition;
(c) To enable the churches to live and share the Gospel, to evangelise together and to
take further steps towards fuller unity;
(d) To enable the churches to respond to the needs of society and to witness to the
Gospel together.

In particular Churches Together in Lichfield and District shall seek to -
i) Serve as a means of communication between churches and other Christian groups
within its area;
ii) Provide a focus for relating to the local authority and other statutory or voluntary
iii) Co-ordinate church involvement in town twinning schemes;
iv) Co-ordinate mission and evangelism as appropriate across its area of operation.
(v) Develop further links with other faith communities within its area.

Churches Together in Lichfield & District aims to serve Lichfield City, Boley Park, Darwin Park,
Elmhurst and the villages of Hints, Longdon, Shenstone, Stonnall, Wall, Weeford and

Churches Together in Lichfield & District is a member body of Churches Linked Across
Staffordshire and the Potteries (CLASP).

Membership of Churches Together in Lichfield & District shall be open to -

(a) any church or association of local churches within one Christian tradition which is
affiliated to a church or association of churches which is a full member of Churches
Together in England and

(b) any church or association of local churches within one Christian tradition which affirms
the Basis and commits itself to promote the aims of Churches Together in Lichfield &
District and which has its own national or regional organisation and ecclesial identity and

(c) any church which on principle has no credal statements in its tradition and therefore
cannot formally subscribe to the statement of faith in the Basis provided that it satisfies
75% in number of those full member churches which subscribe to the Basis that it
manifests faith in Christ as witnessed to in the Scriptures and it is committed to the aims
and purposes of Churches Together in Lichfield & District and that it will work in the spirit
of the Basis and

(d) any association, network, movement or ecumenical partnership which brings together
Christians of different denominations in the area for purposes congruent with the basis
and aims of Churches Together in Lichfield & District.

Associate membership may be offered to churches or fellowships at the discretion of
Members of Churches Together in Lichfield and District. Associate membership entitles the
church or fellowship to participate in all meeting and activities of Churches Together in
Lichfield and District but without voting rights.


(a) The officers of Churches Together in Lichfield & District shall be a Clergy Chair and a Lay
Chair, an Honorary Treasurer, and an Honorary Secretary (plus a Minute Secretary, if
desired) to be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Forum.

(b) Nomination and Election of Officers.

(i) The Officers shall be elected/re-elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the
Forum for an initial period of two years, thereafter in 2-year periods. It is intended to
stagger election of the posts of Clergy Chair and Lay Chair so that they shall overleap the
periods of duty.

(ii) Resigning Officers should give prior notice of not less than 28 days before the AGM and
notice of an impending election shall be given not less than 21 days before the AGM.
Nominations for new appointments shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary ten days
prior to the AGM, together with a Proposer and Seconder.

(iii) In the event that an Officer post is contested, each nominee shall be requested to
produce an Intention Statement of not more than 100 words, to be read out at the AGM.
Intention Statements may only be questioned if all nominees are present at the AGM.

(iv) Unless the AGM decides otherwise, voting shall be by open ballot and the result declared
by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote. In the event of a tie the Chair of
the AGM shall have the casting vote.

(a) All members of member churches are welcome to attend the Forum.

(b) Retired clergy authorised to minister in their own jurisdiction (eg for CofE - licensed to
officiate in Lichfield Diocese) shall be entitled to membership. This will include the right to
vote on all issues except the Constitution, which is voted on by member churches. Partners
of retired clergy will be welcome to attend the Forum but not to vote.

(c) The Forum may co-opt others with particular expertise or understanding to bring. Co-
options shall total not more than one quarter of the representatives elected to the Council
and shall normally be for a maximum of two years. Those co-opted may not vote on the

(d) The Forum shall meet not less than three times annually. The Spring meeting (normally in
April) shall be the Annual Meeting at which the audited accounts shall be presented, officers
elected and annual reports submitted.

(e) Each church in full membership shall have two votes at Forum meetings, including the
Annual Meeting of the Forum. In the event of a vote being required the “voting persons”
shall be nominated in advance. Except for election of officers the Chair of a Forum Meeting
will refer any issue that has a 50/50 vote back to the Enabling Group for reconsideration.

(a) The churches shall appoint an Enabling Group whose functions shall be to enable the
member churches to make decisions in common and to serve as a reference point for the

(b) The Enabling Group shall comprise the officers of the Forum, up to four lay
representatives, and up to four clergy or ministers appointed by the member churches with
regard to an appropriate representation of the various Christian traditions and
denominations in membership.

(c) The Enabling Group may set up working groups to explore issues identified by the Forum
or the Enabling Group/Executive. It may also commission a particular member church or
body to work on behalf of all.

Each member church shall pay such annual sum to Churches Together in Lichfield & District
as shall be agreed at the Annual Meeting of the Forum. The financial year shall be from
January to December. Cheques shall require the signature of any of two of the four
authorised signatories, who shall be members of the Enabling Group. An honorary auditor
shall be appointed at the Annual Meeting.

The constitution, and any subsequent amendment to it, requires the approval of 75% of the
member churches, acting through their normal decision-making bodies.

It is intended that Churches Together in Lichfield & District shall reflect the developing life of
the Christian Churches as they continue their pilgrimage together. From time to time
(normally every seven years) a Review Group shall be appointed by the member churches in
consultation with the County Ecumenical Mission Officer to report on the progress of its
pilgrimage and to make proposals for desirable changes.

This Constitution was adopted at the Annual General Meeting held on 30 April 2014.



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