Present: Pat Maguire (Clergy co-chair), Hugh Ashton, Linda Atkin, David Clarke, Roger Hartley, Judith Henshaw, Richard Henshaw, Brian Maguire, Diana Pearson, Delphine Preece, John Preece, Lilas Rawling (minute sec.), Liz Ridler (Treasurer), Abbie Walsh

Apologies: Linda Clark, Rod Clark, Ted Green, Rob Hilyer, David Mason (Secretary),

Robert Mountford (CLASP officer), Gregory Platt, Jan Waterfield


The speaker on ‘Your Local Pantry’, James Henderson, was unfortunately unable to come, so the meeting proceeded straight to the CTiL business


The minutes of the Forum of 3rd October 2022 were agreed as a correct record.

Matters arising i) It is hoped that the Uniform Bank might run again towards the end of the Easter holiday ii) Various reports back were given of Places of Welcome and Warm Welcome spaces. None of them is particularly heavily used.

Treasurer’s report. Liz Ridler gave her report, summarising the accounts for 2022. She has prepared the annual report.

The main point to note is the £630 above budget subsidy necessary for Christmas Day Together.

Actions: Hugh Ashton suggested an application be made to the City Council soon

Richard Henshaw will apply to Waitrose in good time.

Lilas Rawling suggested an approach be made to the Community Champion Charlotte, at Tesco

The subs request will remain the same, on a sliding scale of £156 for larger churches down to £26.

Prayer diary. The prayer diary had been sent out and feedback was sought as to whether it was being used. Several people were using it for their personal prayers and some churches were using it in the public prayers. All were grateful that it had been produced and thanked Pat Maguire for the work she had done it putting it together. Linda Atkin was thanked for the original idea.

Bishop of Stafford’s appeal. A letter had been received from the Bishop of Stafford asking Churches Together for £50 as a contribution towards the CLASP officer’s payment. There was an explanation of his role. Action: David Clarke proposed, seconded by Richard Henshaw that CTiL sent a contribution of £100.

Review of Past Events.

Carols in the Market Square. Although bitterly cold, it went really well with an attendance of around 80. Andrew Rushton had led the music with his PA system, assisted by David Mason.

Christmas Day Together. Gaynor Baldwin, coordinator, had sent in a report, which was read by Pat Maguire. 25 dinners of M&S roast chicken dinner, soup, pudding, custard, crackers, presents and grape juice were taken out. 25 guests were eating together at Wade Street. The new chefs were Jackie and Nigel and Caroline Johnson was given fulsome thanks for being Gaynor’s assistant. The meeting expressed their thanks to Gaynor for this successful event. At Wade Street, the guests were entertained by Glen and Sonia – a pianist and singer. A guest commented that if she hadn’t had such a happy time of fellowship, she would have been home alone.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The service at the Methodist church had gone very well. The new Minister, Wendy Walker, gave her testimony, and other contributors made it a thought-provoking and worthwhile evening.

Future Events

Lent house groups. Pat Maguire reported that 3 groups would be running, one hosted by Richard and Judith Henshaw, one by Elaine Hooper, both of these in the afternoon, and one by Pat and Brian Maguire on Thursday evenings. 17 people were involved. David Clarke reported that St.Giles Whittington’s regular Bible Study evening would be using the same material, John Birch’s A Search for Peace.

Good Friday. Walk of Witness. Trevor James will lead the worship outside the Coop in Boley Park. Steve Speight has volunteered to lead a section. Lilas Rawling, Pat Maguire, Brian Maguire will lead other sections. The Cathedral has a loud hailer with a microphone which David Mason will borrow, Diana Pearson has the large banner stored in her garage and will make arrangements to get it to Whittington for the start of the walk. Pat Maguire will check with Rob Hilyer the location of the large wheeled cross.

Wendy Walker knows that the walk finishes with an act of worship in the Methodist church at 11a.m, usually followed by hot cross buns and refreshments.

Evening service in the Cathedral 7.30pm. Abbie Walsh will lead this, she hopes to bring a choir from St. Michael’s to assist. Canon Andrew from the Cathedral will need the material about 4 weeks before, also what might be required in the way of seating, microphones etc.. The Cathedral will provide the printed material.

Pilgrimage route. It had already been agreed that the pilgrimage route around the Lichfield churches prepared by Rick and Anne Hill would be sent out again.

Bower Day. At the moment there was uncertainty about the arrangements. Once these are clearer, volunteers will be sought to don the hi-viz jackets and carry a collecting bucket during the procession through the City.

Succession Planning. Pat Maguire has been the Clergy co-chair for 10 years now and David Mason has been both secretary and Lay Co-chair for this year as he promised. Successors are sought for both roles. There has been a volunteer to step up as Lay co-chair, but a clergy co-chair is definitely needed this year. A Minutes secretary will be needed as well. This will be affirmed at the AGM on 5th July, 7.30 in College Hall.

Any other business.

Abbie Walsh reported that the Open the Book training had gone very well with a team of about 10 representing many of the Lichfield churches. It was intended to start in the summer term, taking out the same presentation to a variety of local schools and then rehearsing another one for the second half of the term. Shenstone had kindly donated all their props from their Open the Book team to Lichfield.

CTiL trustees on Michael Lowe’s and Associated Charities. The current reps, Brian Maguire and Roger Hartley are coming to the end of their 3 year term. Brian Maguire thought it appropriate that one of the next representatives should be a female. He agreed to chat with Liz Ridler about the requirements of the role. Roger Hartley will continue to represent CTiL.

Holy Week and Easter poster. The Cathedral is going to produce a different poster from the one with the turn down flap announcing He is Risen. There will be one side with Holy Week and the other with Easter Week. A quick poll of the room indicated that few churches circulated the original one, so no toes would be trodden on – and

one circulated may well be appreciated.

World Day of Prayer. This will be held at St. Chad’s Church at 10.30am and 7pm on Friday 3rd March.

The next meeting will be the AGM of CTiL in College Hall on Wednesday 5th July at 7.30pm.

(Note. At the end of the meeting Liz Ridler agreed to take up the role as Trustee. )

Page last updated: Tuesday 19th September 2023 10:37 AM
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