TUESDAY 18 TH JUNE 2024 AT 7.30 P.M.

Pat Maguire (Chair) PM, David Mason (Minutes) DM, Sharon Greensmith SG, Liz Ridler LR, John Preece JP,
Delphine Preece DP, Kate Arden-White KA, Andrew Rushton AR, Danielle Leigh DL, Hugh Ashton HA,
Lindsey Hall LH, Brian Maguire BM, Roger Hartley RHa, Iris Hartley IH, Richard Henshaw RH, Judith
Henshaw, Abbie Walsh AW, Michele Gerard HG.
Welcome and opening prayer
BM led the opening prayer.

Gregory Platten, David Clarke, Robert Mountford, Jane Hardy, Joanna Thornton, Lilas Rawling, Linda Atkin, Warren Bardsley.

Talk by Lindsey Hall, Partnership Manager, Church Action on Poverty
Lindsey spoke about her work and particularly the ‘Let’s End Poverty’ campaign. Let’s End
Poverty is a diverse growing movement of people who are united behind a vision for a UK
where poverty can’t keep anyone down. There doesn’t have to be poverty in the UK but over
many years our society has been built in a way that traps people in hardship and keeps them
there. The nature of poverty was discussed and the fact that it gets very little mention in the
current General Election campaign. Isaiah 3, 13-15 was quoted. Further information can be
found via the following links:-
West Mids Christian Leaders Joint Statement:
Let's End Poverty Campaign
Dreams and Realities Exhibition and a video of Stephen, the artist talking about the work:

Minutes of last AGM (pre-circulated)
These were accepted – one small typing error was noted which has been corrected.
Matters arising from the minutes
There were no matters arising from the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report (pre-circulated)                                                                                                                                                                       The report was approved (proposed by HA and seconded by SG). It was agreed a gift should be
made to the auditor (proposed by RH and seconded by LR).

Chair Report (pre-circulated)
The Chair’s report was approved and there were no questions

Networking Group
DL proposed that a group should be set up to share resources and ideas. It was agreed that
feedback would be obtained from the churches via the representatives and the idea would be
discussed at the next Enabling and Forum Meetings.

New housing developments / Carol Singing
JP suggested that projects should be investigated for churches to make contact with residents on
the many new housing developments in Lichfield. It was agreed that feedback would be obtained
and the idea would be discussed at the next Enabling and Forum Meetings.

Annual Events
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – Approximately 50 people attended the excellent service led by SG
Lent Groups – Two groups were led by PM and RH and the material from John Birch’s ‘Faith and Worship’
website was considered very good.
Good Friday Walk of Witness – Well attended again although there was some discussion regarding the
purpose and nature of the walk which will be discussed further at the next Enabling and Forum Meetings.
Good Friday Ecumenical Service at Lichfield Cathedral – A very moving service was led by SG and was well
Lichfield Bower – Six volunteers took part as volunteer bucket collectors and helped with the street
General Election Hustings – These have been arranged and will take place in Lichfield Cathedral on Friday
28 th June at 7.00 p.m. Many thanks to all those involved for all their hard work in arranging this event at
short notice.
Carols in the Market Square – AR has agreed to lead this again this year.
Christmas Day Together – Attempts to find a new chef has been unsuccessful and a meeting will be held on
August 12 th to plan this year’s event.

Reports of affiliated groups (pre-circulated)
Reports for Late Night Listeners, Lichfield Christian Schools Work Trust, Lichfield Foodbank, Places of
Welcome, Christmas Day Together, Lichfield Concern for Palestine Group, City of Sanctuary Movement, and
The World Day of Prayer are all available on the website. AR and KA spoke about The Well and invited
other churches to set up similar facilities due to demand.

Election of Officers
Officers during the period - Clergy Co-chair – Pat Maguire, Lay Co-chair – David Mason (until 5 th
July 2023), Lilas Rawling (from 5th July 2023), Honorary Secretary – David Mason, Honorary
Treasurer – Elizabeth Ridler, Minute Secretary – Lilas Rawling (Until 5 th July 2023), Enabling Group
– Richard Henshaw, Diana Pearson, Hugh Ashton, John Preece, Abbie Walsh, Sharon Greensmith.
David Clarke was approved as the new Minute Secretary (proposed by PM and seconded by Rha).
PM had already given notice that she would be standing down as Clergy Co Chair. SG was
approved as the new Clergy Co Chair (proposed by DM and seconded by AW).
A presentation was made to PM and all present expressed their gratitude for all her hard work
and encouragement over the last twelve years. The following message from Robert Mountford
was read out which expressed the feelings of the meeting:-
‘I am extremely sorry that I will not be able to join you, due to long-planned annual leave. My
sadness is all the more acute, since this will be Canon Pat’s last meeting as CTiLD chair. Please
make sure to pass on my thanks and best wishes to her at an appropriate moment. Pat has done
a magnificent job for the last twelve years and she will be missed by you all, I am sure, and by
I wish the new chair every blessing and I remain willing to support CTiLD as I am able to do so.
From my perspective, it is one of the best-run and most-effective Churches Together groups in
the midlands.
 And many thanks to David, Lilas, Liz, Enabling Group members and all who make CTiLD what it is.’
Ecumenical Officer for Birmingham, the Black Country and Staffordshire

Any other business
David West-Mullen had requested a grant of £78 to purchase a new banner for Late Night
Listeners and this was approved ( Proposed by RH and seconded by DL).
A query was raised about setting up a new Christian Aid Group. Feedback will be obtained and
this will be discussed at the next Enabling and Forum Meetings.

Future meetings
Enabling Meeting Tuesday 10th September at 2.00 p.m. at 31 Stowe Street
Forum Meeting Thursday 24th October at 7.30 p.m. at St. Chad’s church

Closing prayer
The meeting concluded by all saying The Grace.

Page last updated: Wednesday 19th June 2024 5:37 PM
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