Treasurer’s Report for the year ended 31 December 2023

2023 was again a busy year. On Christmas Day, Gaynor and her team hosted the meal at
Wade Steet Church, oven-ready meals were delivered and ‘phone calls made to those who
would otherwise have been isolated. Groups met during Lent, and at Easter, we again held
the Good Friday Walk of Witness followed by a service at the Methodist Church, then an
evening service at the Cathedral. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service was held at
St Michael’s Church. All were well attended. An intrepid team shook buckets at the
Greenhill Bower Day and our share of the collection was £228 for General Funds. As ever,
huge thanks go to the volunteers who organised and distributed the Christmas Day Together
meal; planned and ran Lent groups, collected at Bower Day, and those who support the
governance and administration of the organisation. A huge thanks must go to Pat Maguire,
for her exemplary service to CTiL for 12 years. Her knowledge of all things ecclesiastical in
Lichfield, her efficiency, support and sense of humour have made Enabling Group meetings
a pleasure.

Financially, it was a relatively quiet year. Total income was £3,325, of which £2,311 was
specifically for Christmas Day Together and Late Night Listeners. Total expenditure was
£3,111, of which £1,145 related to related to Late Night Listeners and £1,222 for Christmas
Day Together. General expenditure totalled £744, of which £401 was spent on maintaining
and updating the website.

We ended the year with a balance of £2,585: £103 for Christmas Day Together, and £2,482
for our charitable purposes.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have on the Annual Report and Accounts at
the AGM, or you may ask through the contact form on the website.

Finally, I would like to thank Jemimah Reid, our Independent Examiner – for her diligence
and dedication in ensuring that we comply with all charity reporting requirements, and for
her support.

I submit the Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2022 to the AGM for approval.


Elizabeth Ridler 23 May 2023

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