Present: Lilas Rawling LR (Chair), David Mason DM (Minutes), Pat Maguire PM , Sharon Greensmith SG, Richard Henshaw RH, Diana Pearson DP, Liz Ridler LiRi, John Preece JP, Danielle Leigh DL
Opening prayer – Led by SG
Apologies – Hugh Ashton and Abbie Walsh
Minutes of previous meeting - Accepted
Matters arising from the minutes - None
Treasurer's report – As at 29th April 2024
Balance b/f 3697.27
Plus income 150.41
Less expenditure 1347.10
Total 2500.58
Current 527.86
Deposit 1997.72
Less unpaid 25.00
Total 2500,58
DL and LiRI presented a request for a grant of £200 towards the cost of the annual Baseball Camp and this was approved by the other members of the group.
Regular Events
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18th-25th January 2024) – Approximately 50 people attended the excellent service at St. Michael’s led by SG.
Lent Groups (14th February – 28th March 2024) - Two groups were led by PM and RH and the material from John Birch’s ‘Faith and Worship’ website was considered very good.
Good Friday Walk of Witness (29th March 2024) – This was described as ‘a triumph’ Approximately 30 people started from Whitiington, they were joined by approximately 100 people at Boley Park and approximately another 100 at Backcester Lane. It was felt the presence of additional stewards contributed to the success of the event. The service at the Methodist Church after the walk led by Steve Speight was also praised.
Good Friday service at Lichfield Cathedral (29th March 2024) – A very moving service was led by SG and was attended by 58 people.
Thy Kingdom Come (9th-19th May) – Although no local Churches have specific plans for Thy Kingdom Come this year consideration will be given to planning an event next year.
Lichfield Bower (27th May 2024) – We now have six people who have volunteered as buckets collectors but no volunteers have offered to take part in the ‘Walking Float’ for which we planned to have two people carrying the banner and representatives walking behind it from all the different churches. DL will check to see if anyone from Wade Street would like to help.
Carols in the Market Square (12th December?) – It is planned to hold this again on Thursday 12th December at 4.00 p.m. Andrew Rushton has agreed to lead it again and DM will book the Market Square. It is hoped that groups from other churches might take part. The idea of holding Carol Singing events in other areas of the city was also discussed. This could be part of a larger project to make contact with people on the new large housing estates in Lichfield and JP expressed an interest in helping with this.
Christmas Day Together – This will be going ahead although someone who is qualified is still being sought to prepare the food. It was though that wording of the request for a volunteer discouraged people for applying. PG will discuss this with the organisers and a revamped message will be circulated around the churches.
Items to be included in the agenda for the Annual General Meeting to be held in the Community Room at Holy Cross at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday 18th June – Lindsey Hall, Partnership Manager, Church Action on Poverty, has been asked to speak at the meeting which will follow the same format as last year. PG also announced that she will be resigning as Clergy Co-chair at the meeting. Ideas raised at this meeting will also be included in the agenda for general discussion.
Any other business – DL suggested setting up a Facebook Group, but it was eventually decided that instead all future correspondence that is circulated. DL also sought clarification regarding the constitution and the appointment of members of the Enabling Group, and also suggested setting up a networking group for all the churches so that they could provide help and support to each other when required. RH also raised the question about organising and supporting a General Election Hustings event at Lichfield Cathedral when a date has been announced. It was agreed he will contact the Interim Dean Jan MacFarlane about this.
Dates and venues for the next Enabling Meeting and Forum Meeting – The next Enabling Meeting will be held at 31 Stowe Street, Lichfield, WS13 6AQ at 2.00 p.m. on Tuesday 10th September, and the next Forum Meeting will be held at St. Chad’s Church at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday 24th October.
Closing prayer – The meeting ended with all saying The Grace