PRESENT: Lilas Rawling (St Chad’s) - Chair, David Mason (Cathedral) - Secretary, Liz Ridler (Wade St) – Treasurer, Jan Firth – (Net Zero Carbon Officer, Diocese of Lichfield) – speaker, Chris Davies (St Chad’s), Roger Hartley (Wade St), Robert Mountford (Ecumenical Officer), John Preece (Wade St), Michele Gerard (Society of Friends), Hugh Ashton (Cathedral), Georgine Boyns (St Chad’s), Richard Henshaw (Catholic Churches), Linda Atkin (Christchurch), Danielle Leigh (Wade St), Edward Green (St Michael’s), Diana Pearson (Lichfield Methodist), David Clarke (St Giles’, Whittington) - Minutes
- OPENING PRAYER – Lilas opened the meeting in prayer.
- APOLOGIES – Gregory Patten (Cathedral), Jo Thornton (Lichfield Methodist), Abbie Walsh (St Michael and St Mary, Lichfield, and St John, Wall), Sharon Greensmith (St John’s Hospital), Warren Bardsley (Lichfield Methodist).
Jan is newly appointed to her role, tasked with selling the Net Zero Carbon concept to churches and promoting Ecochurch in the Diocese. She works two days a week, is from the ‘Gold’ Ecochurch, St Michael the Archangel, Rushall. Her email is:
Climate change and pollution are destroying our planet, and we need to care for God’s creation. Ecochurch, promoted by A Rocha UK, is part of the Net Zero Carbon agenda. Across the Diocese, 42 churches have achieved ‘bronze’, 19 ‘silver’, and one ‘Gold’. It is relatively easy to progress to silver from bronze, but there is a big step to Gold. We are all encouraged to register (, answer the questionnaires, and see how we are doing. The questions are in five sections: Worship/Teaching, Building, Land, Community /Global, Lifestyle.
The Diocese recognises that many churches are up against small congregations, lack of money, and outdated (and inefficient) equipment, where ‘Gold’ seems just unobtainable. However, we can all look for quick wins – LED light bulbs, timers and sensors, cut-off taps, double-flush toilets, and regular boiler maintenance. In addition, the Diocese (led by the Chancellor) is now much more amenable to solar panels on ancient and listed buildings. We can all make a commitment to this cause. (Action: All to brief leaders and congregations).
- MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING (08.02.24) – all agreed that these were an accurate record.
- TREASURER’S REPORT – AS AT 11.10.24 – included in ‘Income’ in the summary below, are Church subscriptions £654, Late Night Listeners £714.61, and Christmas Day Together £800.
- Book
- Balance B/F 3697.27
- Income + 2385.22
- Expenditure - 1993.90
- Total 4088.59
- Statement
- Current A/C 2079.06
- Deposit A/C 2009.53
- CHARITY ACCOUNTS AND OUR CONSTITUTION – Liz Ridler explained that the year-end (31st December) is very difficult to achieve with certainty following Christmas Day Together, which has a large financial impact on the accounts. It was proposed that the year-end should be changed to 31st March. This would require a majority vote from 75% of the member churches of CTIL. Despite a call to attend, only nine churches were represented, which did not constitute 75%. An advisory poll was conducted of the churches present, with unanimous agreement to the change. (Action: David Mason to write to all member churches not present to determine their views and which way they would vote).
NOTE: After the meeting it was realised that if the number of churches which had sent in written confirmation of their approval of the constitutional changes had been included the required figure of 75% had been achieved.
Liz also advised that application for membership of Support Staffordshire requires us to determine what would be done with any finance remaining should CTIL collapse. A not-for-profit clause would be inserted in the constitution. It was agreed that the Enabling Group should put a proposal to the next Forum (Action: Liz Ridler to raise at the next Enabling Group). Again a 75% representation at Forum would be required.
Large numbers of new houses are being built across the city. This is a pastoral opportunity. A networking group is needed to look at how the Christian presence is best raised on the new estates. (Action: David Mason to write to all member churches asking for those who would like to join this group to come forward). Abbie Walsh is compiling a list of contact groups for these estates on social media (Action: Abbie Walsh to circulate list to member churches). Specific CTIL carol singing on the new estates was discounted, and ‘carols in the market square’ would be promoted (Action: David Mason to promote on social media and Lichfield Live).
- Carols in the Market Square – Thursday 12.12.24 – at 4.00pm
- Christmas Day Together – This will be an ‘afternoon tea’ event. The onus will be on churches to provide names of attendees and volunteers to Pat Maguire. (Action: All)
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service – Thursday 23.01.25 at 7.30pm, at St Chad’s Church. Material will be provided by Churches Together – Britain and Ireland.
- Lent Groups – CTIL will not be promoting special groups this year.
- Good Friday Walk of Witness – Friday 18.04.25 – Lichfield Methodist Church will host the service following the procession.
- Good Friday Service at Lichfield Cathedral – Friday 18.04.25 – Rector of St Chad’s will lead.
- Lichfield Bower – Monday 26.05.25 – six volunteers will be needed for the street collection.
- ANY OTHER BUSINESS – Warren Bardsley and Debby Flack are organising a talk on Gaza at Lichfield Methodist Church on Thursday 28 November at 7.30pm. A Palestinian lady from Hebron will be present. Prayers for Places of Conflict happen at St Chad’s on Tuesdays, 6.00pm.
- DATE FOR NEXT FORUM MEETING – Tuesday 25 February 2025 at Lichfield Methodist Church. Suggestion for the ‘talk’ to be sent to David Mason (Action: All)
CLOSE – the meeting concluded at 9.05pm with the Grace.